Friday, September 30, 2016

Finding Friends / Entertainment in Ontario, California

Struggles in Finding Friends and Entertainment
When moving to Ontario many people may encounter loneliness and solitude. Nostalgia is very common when moving to a new city and trying to get used to a new atmosphere and environment. People feel depressed because they miss their old city and friends. However over time, this feeling goes away.

How to Overcome the Struggle
One way you can overcome this problem when moving to Ontario is to start getting involved in your community and start exploring the city. Getting involved in your community will help you talk to new people you never knew and you’ll start building new relationships. Joining local clubs is also a great way to make friends. If you are an athletic person and like sports, Ontario has a lot sports team you can be part of.
In Ontario there are several places you can go to for entertainment. One of people’s favorite place to shop at is at the Ontario Mills mall.  The Ontario Mills mall is a great place to be with the family. Inside the mall there is a food court, many shops and also a Gameworks arcade for many to enjoy. However this isn’t the only place you can go to for entertainment in Ontario. In Ontario there is also several movie theatres including the AMC Theatre and an Edwards Cinema. Also we have an amusement park people love going to called Scandia. They have an arcade and some rides where you can go on. It is a fun place to go with your family and/or friends.

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